the secret project

So, this is what I spent the better part of a month painstakingly piecing together:

paper iphone

Since the traditional 1st anniversary present is paper, I decided to construct a paper iPhone 4, headphones, usb cord, and plug. It was a lot more involved than I anticipated.

the whole package

My intention was to let Nick sweat it, and think this was all he was getting. I forgot he is the coolest, and even after he opened the box with his real iPhone 4 in it, he was still raving about the paper one. He’s a keeper!

paper plug

paper plugI had the most fun making the plug. Check out that usb port! Something about the challenge of creating dimensionality was really exciting, but I guess it’s not too different from what goes into piecing together a garment. I am usually a maker of two-dimensional things, so it was a nice change of pace.

paper vs. realHe loves the paper iPhone, but of course he is pretty excited to own the real one, too. Now I just have to think of a way to top this present on our next anniversary…

(For more pictures, go here!)

Posted on by Jessica This entry was posted in Crafts. Bookmark the permalink.

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