Because I don’t have hundreds of dollars to drop on a real mociun dress, I decided (that despite my pretty limited sewing experience) I would try to make my own.
This was the first time I’ve ever made my own pattern, and I gotta say, I don’t think it looks half bad! The top was loosely based on the pattern for this dress, which I had folded up and stashed with all my other patterns. I altered it a lot, and made up the rest. Check out that stylish open back! Also, this bad boy is fully lined. Talk about fancy. There are definitely some funky parts in the fit, but I think some of that is the fabric I used. All in all, I am not embarrassed to wear this dress in public, so I would say that it’s a success.
It’s not a mociun dress, but it’s a decent substitute. All I can really do is dream of a day when I can afford one. In the meantime, I will eagerly await the arrival of the triangle-circle-square tee I should be getting it in the mail pretty soon…