Let’s face it– gift baskets are super classy.
It seems like every holiday, my plans for our annual treats get a little more out of hand. I was really set on fancy gift baskets this year, and while I managed to talk myself down from weaving everyone their own personal basket, I made sure each of the baskets I thrifted was filled to the brim with homemade deliciousness.
Back in June, I sliced up a bunch of vanilla beans and stuck them in a huge bottle of bourbon, so I’d have extract ready for everybody. There’s a good tutorial here. I also made:
– Pink Peppercorn Mustard
– Apple Butter from a recipe in this book.
– Rosemary Shortbread
– Christmas-colored macarons
– English toffee
– Peanut Butter Cups
– Sea Salt Caramels
Nick was in charge of making some crazy tasty pork and chicken summer sausage. I wrapped it all in paper and string, and sent it off to some deserving recipients. Is it weird that I’m already planning next year’s basket?
(More homemade Christmas presents, coming up soon.)
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