Well, I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy with non-crafty endeavors recently; hence the blog silence. Nick has been interviewing for a lot of jobs, so I’m perpetually crossing my fingers in the hopes we’ll be out of Ohio soon. I need a change of scenery, stat.
In spite of the fact we’ve had just about as much snow as Texas this year (next to none), it’s still plenty cold out. One way I like to stave off the cold is to make myself a bowl of oatmeal.
Ever since I whipped up some kheer for an Indian dinner party, I have been pretty obsessed with coconut milk. I used to always make oatmeal with cow’s milk, but I’ve been swapping it out for the coconut variety lately, and to great effect.
I also really lucked out recently when a coworker of Nick’s turned out to be an amateur apiarist, and brought me a jar full of raw Ohio honey. I’ve already made a pretty big dent in it, because it’s an excellent addition to oatmeal.
Oatmeal for one
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (or a mixture of rolled grains)
1 cup coconut milk
pinch of salt
large spoonful of honey
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
Simply combine all the above in a small saucepan, and heat over medium high while stirring frequently. Cook until the mixture is thickened. I like to top mine with a drizzle of cream and a fresh grating of nutmeg.
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