In celebration of his first paycheck (and the fact that we didn’t go broke waiting for it), Nick requested a chocolate 6-layer cake. Since he hardly ever asks for anything except pizza and pancakes, I was happy to oblige. The chocolate butter cake and the silk meringue buttercream are both recipes from this book, and the filling is a simple chocolate mousse. I topped it with a few milk chocolate curls, which were not quite as easy to make as the youtube video promised.
I’ve made a few cakes in my day, and most have been both pretty tasty and pretty ugly. I can dedicate hours to baking and mixing up fillings and icings, but by the time I get to cake construction, I am usually in a hurry to be done and I do a rushed job. Tired of my usual “rustic” icing application, I decided to put some effort into it. I am pleased as punch with the results. I’m thinking I should invest in a lazy susan so I can achieve an even cleaner icing application, but it hasn’t been quite long enough since I’ve packed and unpacked my entire kitchen before I can add another item to the collection.
My newly discovered cake-making skills have me itching to make another– anybody got a birthday coming up?
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