Category Archives: Food
gift baskets galore
Let’s face it– gift baskets are super classy. It seems like every holiday, my plans for our annual treats get a little more out of hand. I was really set on fancy gift baskets this year, and while I managed … Continue reading
happy holidays, folks
After a marathon weekend of baking and candy making, and a long week of little sleep and much Christmas-present-crafting, I am happy to be ready to head home to my favorite people. This is hands down my favorite time of … Continue reading
groat crumble
I know, it sounds more like a skin disease than the name of a dessert, but trust me– by the end of this post, you’ll be ready to dig in. These are groats. More specifically, they’re whole oat grains, complete … Continue reading
burgers and fries
I have a friend and coworker whose love of sweet treats is rivaled only by her love of cute things. When I found out she was transferring to another location, I knew I had to create something adorably delicious for … Continue reading
strawberry jam with a secret ingredient
I got a hot tip about some cheap strawberries last weekend. It’s a little while past the peak of their season, and sure enough, they weren’t the prettiest berries– but at 99 cents a pound, I knew they had jam-making … Continue reading
how to make yogurt
Blog posts have been few and far between recently, and the main reason is that it’s been rainy and overcast every time I thought to take out a camera. I almost caught a break the other day, but soon after … Continue reading
My boss, Lesley, is awesome. One reason is because she brought me a giant bouquet of mint from her garden. The first thing I did was put the kettle on, so I could make a pitcher of mint green tea. … Continue reading
pickling green beans
I am of the belief that a fridge is not truly well stocked unless it contains a jar of pickles. Since I haven’t seen a pickling cucumber since I got to Ohio, I settled for green beans. Even though sunny … Continue reading
We’ve had a long stretch of grey, rainy days lately; the kind that are best spent drinking multiple cups of tea and knitting while watching netflix. The kind that are no good if you are thinking about trying to get … Continue reading
making rugelach
My neighbor’s yard is studded with tulip shoots and the shrubbery in my front yard has sprouted a million of these yellow flowers, but if not for these tiny hints, you wouldn’t even know it’s supposed to be spring. Two … Continue reading