Category Archives: Home

pintuck pillow

There’s a dearth of decorative pillows in my house. Don’t get me wrong– I’m not the type that likes to remove six or eight ruffled cushions from her bed before she can even lay down, but my sofa and chairs … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Home, Sewing | 7 Comments

kitchen shelves

Our new place is the first in a while that we haven’t been allowed to paint. I was simultaneously appreciative of our last few laid-back landlords, and happy I wouldn’t have to spend hours working before we could begin to … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Home | Leave a comment

lazy sunday

Today is a perfect spring day. The windows are open, and vases of roses clipped from the bush in my front yard are scattered around the house. Lexi is camped out in front of the window, enjoying the sunshine and … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Home, Life, Links | Leave a comment

cord basket

I probably shouldn’t admit this, but in the three years we’ve lived in this apartment, I’ve never had a trash can in my craft room. Usually there’s a stray Joann’s bag I can throw extra bits of string or scraps … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Home | 47 Comments

we got worms

I don’t know if spending my whole childhood hanging out with my two brothers incited my fascination with crawly things, but I think worms are awesome. These worms are especially awesome because they are busy composting most of our vegetable … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Experiments, Home, Links | Leave a comment

the search for my dream rug

Lately I have been looking at turkish rugs on ebay. I don’t know if I’ve found the perfect one yet, but I think I’ve found the right search terms. Look at these:

Posted on by Jessica in Home | Leave a comment