the sole survivor

Today I’m having a pity party, and you’re invited.

the last glassThe reason for my soiree of sadness is the recent accidental destruction of two of these lovely glasses, bringing the final count down to one. The original set of three was purchased at a thrift store sometime at the end of high school or beginning of college. I loved them so much that I got them long before I had a kitchen of my own, knowing that it would be worth it to hold on to them until I needed them. I carted them from dorm room to dorm room, to my first seedy efficiency apartment, to my tiny 1940’s era house, to my giant Columbus apartment, until tragedy struck. The last glass has been relegated to the hutch so it won’t befall the same fate as the other two.

I know it’s silly to be so attached to glasses, but they were the first housewares-type things I ever bought, so I have a special fondness for them. A quick search of etsy didn’t turn up any matching glasses, so I’m just putting it out into the universe: if there are any of these floating around anywhere, please float across my path.

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