Category Archives: Crafts

pintuck pillow

There’s a dearth of decorative pillows in my house. Don’t get me wrong– I’m not the type that likes to remove six or eight ruffled cushions from her bed before she can even lay down, but my sofa and chairs … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Home, Sewing | 7 Comments

branch weaving

I saw this page last week and immediately stopped everything to start my own branch-weaving projects. Traditional weaving can be somewhat tedious– there is a lot of slow, meticulous prep work to do before you can actually start– and while … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Weaving | 9 Comments


The prospect of darning this hole in my favorite cardigan gave me such a headache, it was relegated to my pile of “to do” projects and all but forgotten. Now that I’ve got some free time, I’m trying to make … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Sewing | 2 Comments

another cord basket

This one is a mother’s day present. I used a much narrower stitch and almost twice as much cotton cord as I used on the last basket. I like the look of this stitch width, but making it smaller left … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts | 7 Comments

how to make a terrarium

Moss isn’t something you see too often in Texas. Even in Houston’s swampy climate, the heat is usually too overbearing for such a delicate plant. So, I decided it was a good idea to harvest some for a terrarium while … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts | 11 Comments

cord basket

I probably shouldn’t admit this, but in the three years we’ve lived in this apartment, I’ve never had a trash can in my craft room. Usually there’s a stray Joann’s bag I can throw extra bits of string or scraps … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Home | 47 Comments

baby moccasins

Some friends of ours just became parents, and to celebrate their new addition, we brought over some banana bread muffins and some newborn-sized moccasins. The pattern’s from the purl bee, and came together really quickly. Nick even referred to them … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts | 6 Comments

socks for the boys

This year, I learned my lesson and started knitting back in August. I used the same pattern I used on the last couple pairs. I’ll find a new one at some point, but this pattern is pretty classic– it’s been … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts | Leave a comment

gifts for girls

My sisters are pretty easy to make gifts for– I usually just create something I’d like for myself. I put my burgeoning dye skills to the test when making this shirt, and while I like the result, I definitely need … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Sewing | 1 Comment

presents for boys

Sorry for the blog silence, everybody. I’ve been laboring away on christmas presents, because in less than a month, I will finally be back in my home state of Texas! Words can’t express how excited I am to see my … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Life, Sewing | 4 Comments