five down

wooden beer mug
Yesterday marks five years since I married my best friend. I’d planned an elaborate, masterfully crafted, homemade gift, but I didn’t stop to consider that my woodworking experience is limited to making canvas stretchers or that Nick is off for the entire summer, giving me no time for working on secret projects. Instead, I scoured the internet for the best wooden beer mug I could find, and settled on this one. It’s maple and mahogany, and will hold 12 ounces of delicious home brew.


One of Nick’s gifts to me was this bee smoker with a wooden bellows. I won’t get to use it until next spring when we get our hive, but in the meantime, I’m geeking out over what a cool object it is. Incidentally, I’ve discovered that my cats don’t like air blown in their faces.

The traditional sixth anniversary gift is iron, and I’m very glad to have 364 days to come up with an idea for that one. Although if they pass by as quickly as the last five years, our sixth anniversary will be here in no time! I can’t wait to find out what the coming years bring. Love you, old bean!

For past anniversaries, click: one, two, three, or four.

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