Category Archives: Life

five down

Yesterday marks five years since I married my best friend. I’d planned an elaborate, masterfully crafted, homemade gift, but I didn’t stop to consider that my woodworking experience is limited to making canvas stretchers or that Nick is off for … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Life | 1 Comment

a little bit of christmas

Back in December I promised a whole slew of posts about the presents I crafted this year, and I’m sorry to say I don’t have much to show. Don’t get me wrong– I painted, sewed, silk screened, and knitted my … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Life | 2 Comments

cinnamon tea

This well-worn plastic bag has been around for quite a while. It’s moved with me four times (from Texas to Ohio and back), carefully transported from apartment to house in spite of its sporadic use. In fact, the contents have … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Food, Life | 4 Comments

year four

It’s been a while, folks. The reason for this lengthy hiatus from blogging was a desire to update with a post about Nick’s anniversary present– which, had everything gone as planned, would have been a pair of wooden glasses– and … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Life | 4 Comments

pip and the new house

This is Pip. He’s a fluffy little ball of terror– attacking everything that moves and some things that don’t. He purrs in an instant, loves to perch on our shoulders, and we like him in spite of our bevy of … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Home, Life | Leave a comment

we bought a house

After about a month of looking at houses and weeks upon weeks of delays, extensions, and paperwork errors, we are finally homeowners! We didn’t end up in the biggest house we looked at, nor the fanciest, nor the house that … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Home, Life | 7 Comments

around the house

        Lately I’ve been a bit busy with some non-blog-worthy projects, but I should be finished soon and back in the swing of things. Here’s a little of what I’ve been up to: Because I can’t seem … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Food, Home, Life | Leave a comment

wedding presents

A couple months ago, my little sister got married. Although my sisters are just six and eight years younger than me, I’ve always felt a sort of parental responsibility for them. I approached Savannah’s wedding as I do all their … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Crafts, Food, Life | 2 Comments

painting and such

I’m spending most of my time these days finishing up my commission so I can really get started on Christmas presents. It’s turning out pretty good, which is much better than I usually feel about things I make. Taking a … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Life, Links | Leave a comment

6 layer cake

In celebration of his first paycheck (and the fact that we didn’t go broke waiting for it), Nick requested a chocolate 6-layer cake. Since he hardly ever asks for anything except pizza and pancakes, I was happy to oblige. The … Continue reading

Posted on by Jessica in Food, Life | 4 Comments